Facing Serious Criminal Charges?
You need a Marietta criminal defense attorney!
Having to deal with criminal charges can be one of the most harrowing ordeals to overcome. You might have no idea what challenges could be up ahead and what the repercussions could bring you. You shouldn't have to feel anxious, however, when you have a reliable defense attorney to handle your affairs and get you the right outcome for your situation. Criminal charges can bring harsh penalties, including jail or prison sentences, enormous fines, court-ordered services or participation in counseling programs, and innumerable liberties taken away.
If you are currently battling major criminal charges, call my firm, Stahlman Law P.C., for personalized and attentive legal support. I use aggressive defensive strategies to overturn or reduce charges.
Contact my firm at (888) 397-1860 today to schedule your FREE initial consultation!
My Practice Areas
Criminal cases need to be handled with deftness and the utmost of care. I know that your situation can be an overwhelming burden, but I can help put your mind at ease. I have been concentrating on many areas within the spectrum of criminal defense, gaining more than 22 years of valuable insight for handling nearly any case.
Let me defend you if you have been accused of committing any of the following offenses:
I am also able to guide you through your bond hearing, should you require any legal assistance with the process and obtaining a favorable outcome from your hearing. No matter what case you are dealing with you, you need a Marietta criminal defense attorney to be your voice, whether your case goes to trial or not. Prosecutors use tough and intimidating tactics to try to undermine you. I can step in and direct you on how to skillfully handle demanding questionings and overcome daunting courtroom procedures.
What are the penalties for criminal convictions in Georgia?
There are many factors that ultimately compose the final sentencing of a crime, if your case ends up going to trial. The courts may use the evidence, witness testimonials, counter arguments, circumstances of the alleged crime, and attorneys' closing statements to help determine the sentence.
What I can do is ensure that all of the litigation is geared to benefit you and then fiercely attack if there are any undue claims made against you. There are two types of convictions that criminal charges can be classified under: misdemeanor or a felony. If convicted of a felony, the minimum prison stay could be one year or more, and you could be asked to pay fines worth thousands of dollars. A felony on your record can bring long-lasting effects, but these can be avoided when you have me, Attorney Jill Stahlman, working for you.
Call today for premier legal defense!
The process of fighting criminal charges can be draining to your energy. Prosecutors scrutinize every detail in your case, trying to see where the weaknesses are. That's why you need to get me on your case today to fight back. I can help you get your charges lessened, negotiate for a better outcome, or even get them dropped altogether.
Don't settle for an average defense; get in touch with my firm to get first-rate legal representation! You can start by scheduling a free consultation to discuss your case with me.

Successfully Representing The AccusedSee the proof of my success in the results of cases I have handled; both tried and negotiated outcomes.
Fighting For You - No Matter What!Work one-on-one with an attorney who won't stop fighting to achieve the best possible outcome.
Find Answers in a Time of CrisisBeing charged with a crime brings up many questions. For answers to commonly asked questions, click here!