Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 888-397-1860 today!
Can the police search me without a warrant?
If you were arrested for possession of drugs or another crime after a police officer searched your vehicle, your home or your person, it might be possible to have the case thrown out by filing a motion to suppress the evidence. Unless the police officer had a warrant to search you, it is necessary to prove that there was probable cause to suspect that you had committed a crime. If the state cannot establish probable cause, a warrantless search is illegal and a violation of your rights.
Should I speak with police?
No. Any time you are contacted by a police officer or detective, you should politely decline to answer any questions beyond the required identification. Tell him or her that you choose to exercise your Fifth Amendment right. If the law enforcement officer insists on talking, tell him or her to contact Stahlman Law P.C. to speak with your criminal defense attorney. Remember that the police only want to talk to you in order to get evidence against you. Don't think that you can get out of this situation by "telling your side of the story."
Can I get a guaranteed result?
There is no way to guarantee a result, and in fact the state bar forbids any attorney in Georgia from promising any outcome in a case. Instead of looking for guarantees, choose an attorney with a proven track record of success, and one whom you feel you can trust to work for the best possible outcome for you.
When should I hire a criminal defense lawyer?
As soon as possible! The state is already working to build its case against you, and you can't afford any delays. The sooner you hire your attorney, the better will be your chances of a successful outcome. In some cases, it is even possible for a defense attorney to have the investigation dropped or get the charges dismissed before the case even ends up in the courtroom.
Should I use the public defender or hire my own lawyer?
Public defenders are, by and large, highly capable attorneys, but there are certain downsides to using their services. First off, you might not qualify. Only those with limited financial means are allowed to take advantage of this service. Another problem is the fact that the public defender typically has a massive case load, meaning that he or she might not have enough time to properly prepare your case. Stahlman Law P.C. is a boutique law firm where you can receive personalized attention and have confidence that your case will receive the attention it deserves.